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Scoliosis Bracing

Scoliosis Treatment

Tailored to You

While scoliosis is often thought of as a condition that primarily impacts children and adolescent patients, it can actually impact people of all ages. Scoliosis can affect your posture, weaken the muscles, change the way you move and cause pain throughout your body. At Wilson Clinic, we treat scoliosis patients of all ages using a wide range of techniques, including the ScoliBrace® and KyphoBrace systems. Using this bracing treatment, we are able to customize the scoliosis treatment to each patient's individual needs. To learn more about these bracing treatments and our other scoliosis treatment techniques at Wilson Clinic,
please call our Waterloo, Iowa office at (319) 232-5356 or contact us online.
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dr looking at spine xray

Our Full Assortment of Scoliosis Treatment Techniques

At Wilson Clinic, we take a proactive approach to scoliosis treatment. By being more aggressive with your scoliosis treatment, we are able to help you achieve results faster. Our goal is to achieve the best outcomes for our patients by addressing their unique needs. Here are the treatment options we offer:

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Spinal Rehab:

  • Mirror image adjusting
  • Mirror image exercises
  • Spinal traction



  • A unique custom-made brace designed using 3D body scans
  • Corrective principles from other bracing methods
  • Maximizes reduction of spinal curvature
  • Improves posture, rib humping, and shoulder leveling
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Home Exercises:

  • Targeting the muscular component of scoliosis
  • Keeping spinal biomechanics in mind
at home exercise

Home Traction:

  • Some cases may benefit from at-home traction


ScoliBrace® - How it Works

ScoliBrace allows us to utilize every tool at our disposal to proactively treat scoliosis in nearly any patient. Using 3D body scans, X-rays and posture analysis, we are able to create a brace customized to each patient. Benefits of ScoliBrace treatments include:

  1. Customization: ScoliBrace is custom-made for each patient using 3D body scans. It’s tailored to fit their unique measurements and body shape.
  2. Over-Correction: Unlike traditional braces, ScoliBrace aims for over-correction. By putting the spine into mirror-image or over-corrected positions, it maximizes reduction of spinal curvature.
  3. Improved Posture: ScoliBrace not only reduces curvature but also improves posture, rib humping, and shoulder leveling.
  4. Patient Compliance: Patients find ScoliBrace comfortable and easier to wear consistently.
  5. Patient Independence: The ScoliBrace is easier to put on and take off than traditional braces, allowing patients to handle everything on their own without assistance.

Kyphosis Treatment - KyphoBrace Customized Bracing

Kyphosis is a condition characterized by an excessive forward curvature of the upper spine (thoracic region). It can affect people of all ages and may lead to poor posture, discomfort, and changes in body appearance. Two common types of kyphosis are:

  1. Scheuermann’s Kyphosis: Typically seen in adolescents, this condition involves abnormal wedging of the vertebrae, leading to an increased thoracic curve.

  2. Hyperkyphosis: A more generalized term for excessive thoracic curvature, which can occur in adults as well.

How KyphoBrace Works

KyphoBrace™ is a specialized corrective brace designed specifically for hyperkyphosis, Scheuermann’s kyphosis, and poor posture. Here’s why it stands out:

  1. Customization: Each KyphoBrace is custom-made using 3D scanning technology and computer-aided design (CAD/CAM). It ensures a perfect fit for the patient’s unique measurements and body shape.

  2. Over-Correction: Similar to ScoliBrace, KyphoBrace aims for over-correction. By restoring the thoracic kyphosis angle to a more normal range, it reduces the excessive curvature.

  3. Improved Appearance: KyphoBrace not only stops progression but also enhances postural appearance and overall body cosmetics.

  4. Patient-Friendly: KyphoBrace opens and closes at the front, making it easy to wear and remove without assistance. Patients can even personalize the look with various colors and patterns.


ScoliBrace vs. KyphoBrace

Condition TreatedScoliosis (3D spinal curvature) in children, adolescents, and adults.Hyperkyphosis (excessive forward curvature of the upper spine) in adolescents and adults.
Design ApproachIndividualized correction with an over-corrective approach. Focus on spinal alignment. Addresses rotational component of scoliosis. Aims to mirror the scoliotic shape.Individualized correction with an over-corrective approach. Focus on spinal alignment.
Treatment GoalsImproved alignment of spine and body posture. Retrains neurological connections.Correct hyperkyphosis and improve posture.
Patient RangeInfant, juvenile, adolescent, and adult cases.Adolescents and adults with hyperkyphosis.
Brace TypesCustom-made, versatile range for various curve types.Specifically designed for hyperkyphosis.